Monday, February 14, 2011

I've Made It!!

I've done it!  I've reached a level of success that some people only dream of.  I have received my very first piece of hate mail, in the form of a comment left at the end of one of my posts.  Somebody took exception to something I said in a review a wrote about a local radio station.  Exactly what that was, I have no idea because the person wasn't specific.  Oh but they were very specific in their attack on me.  Here's what this loser posted on my blog:

Wow. Just read all of this. Who do you like? What are you good at? I can tell by reading this that you are embarrassed for yourself. You jab people you don't know pretty much because I guess no one loves you. You probably never have been loved by anyone and so you're angry at anyoneand everyone who seems happy, enjoying life. You're the guy in the bar leaning up against the wall mad and pissed because no women will give you the time of day.
You're a speck of dust. How sad you are, how totally sad it must be to be you my lonely angry friend. 
My gut reaction was to delete this comment and move on.  But writing is what I do.  I should be able to handle criticism and feedback about my posts.  Right?  Only problem is that this comment was neither.  It was a personal attack on me.

Anybody who is a fan of the station I wrote about would have defended something that I was critical of.  They would have said I was wrong about something or they would have said why they like the station.  On the other hand, someone who knows me would never spew the hateful garbage that this person did.  I don't associate with these scumbags.  So why am I giving them the time of day?

The person who wrote this comment (two months after I posted the review), is an unhappy soul, probably looking for something to bitch about.  They are trying to crawl out of a hole that they have dug for themselves by lashing out at somebody they don't even know.  Something I wrote about in that review (or some other entry) sent this person over the edge.  To have this kind of power is a gift.

Unlike the person who anonymously posted the comment, I am not a coward. Anybody can read by blog, and they are welcome submit comments.  But I won't allow somebody to hijack my blog by posting ignorant nonsense.  Especially when they are too chicken-shit to reveal their identities.  Therefore, I have decided to take a necessary step to protect this blog and my readers from vicious intent.  All future comments made about my posts will be reviewed by me before they are posted.  I will not edit any comments.  But if they are irrelevant to the subject matter being discussed, or if they contain any personal attacks, they will not be posted to my blog.

The fact that this person chose to be anonymous, proves one thing without a doubt.  He or she is either a fan or a stalker.  Either way, I have enough experience with people to know that this person is going to read this post.  The nature of their character makes it impossible for them to stay away.  Therefore, I'd like to speak to this person directly:

Who you are doesn't matter to me.  WHAT you are is a loser.  You probably think you made yourself look good by attacking me.  Take a look in a mirror, and then take a deep look inside yourself.  In both cases you are going to see the same ugly person.  Now look around you.  Look at your life.  Pretty empty, huh?  You are pathetic.  And the only reason I am even giving you the time of day is because there is a great song that I want to share with you.  It's a song about you.  I dedicate this song to you on behalf of myself, my fans and everyone else you have